Saturday, January 9, 2010

Do Things Differently 2010!

Maybe you need to learn how to do many things one at a time and take action when necessary. U.S. novelist, Toni Morrison (1931 - ) would say, “I don't know everything, I just do everything.” If you want to be a winner, step out of that lowliness, average thinking and setback phrase, ‘this is how I use to do it.’ Everything you need to succeed lies in your range. Look for new ways to make the old stuff fresh and attractive. The truth is: no one is capable to renew your success until you do! Yiddish proverb averted, “If you can't do as you wish, do as you can.”

Recently, I read, ‘DO’ in the English language is the past did [did], past participle done [dun], present participle do·ing, 3rd person present singular does. Coined to what I read, I understood that the verb ‘do’ indicates that somebody perform an action, an activity, or a task. Introducing the first KEY: ‘Do things differently,’ winners are people who did remarkable things in the past, they have done extraordinary things and they are still doing unexpected things to empower their lives and their generation. The question is, how different are you doing things? Are you still confronting the same problems, repeating the same mistakes or regretting over today’s failure instead of creating solution to attract tomorrow’s opportunities?

Robin Sieger, British business executive, said in Natural Born Winners, “The winner is simply someone who gets up one more time than they fall over.” They are convinced about their desire to push-on and has no limitation attached. It is incredible to know that people don’t really know how to leave a situation better than they found it. If you are guilty of such an act, I seriously counsel that you take a management course in ‘Creativity.’ Assuming that your dream is not fulfill or functioning accurately, here is what you need to do to connect it: perform new actions, reorganize innovative activities or adjust the old tasks that always give you bad results. U.S. actor, Robert Downey, Jr. (1965 - ) said, “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first.” It’s like increasing your study time from two hours to six hours to improve your academy result, business ideas or becoming a bestselling author.

Dwight Whitney Morrow (1873 - 1931), U.S. diplomat and politician, wrote a letter to his son saying, “The world is divided into people who do things and people who get the credit. Try, if you can, to belong to the first class. There's far less competition.” First class winners are high class winners. They depict action and possess the virtue of creativity. Doers are rulers! They dominate the success of their world and control the desire of their ideas. Their primary focus is not the ‘credit’ but the benefit of the ‘credit.’ They’re always remembered for what they did for others, not what they’ve done for themselves. They are categorized by refashioning difficult things into simple means. They priorities new ideas and make use of the best out of every untidiness. What appears to be a mess to others appears to be a message to them.

Egyptian proverb remarked, “He who is not ashamed, does whatevever he likes” Why not ‘do the work’ instead of ‘worrying about the work?’ Why not ‘do the loving’ instead of ‘detesting the lover?’ Why not do the ‘nails’ instead of ‘painting the nails?’ Why not ‘do more smiling’ instead of ‘frowning the beautiful face?’ Or why not ‘DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY?’ Listen to this recommendation of U.S. president, Theodore Roosevelt (1858 - 1919), “Of Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they lie in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”

HAPPY 2010!

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