Friday, June 25, 2010


Past of her shadow
 The sweet treasure of her sorrow
   Now she wants to escape her past
      Darkness of memories is chasing her fast
        She’s hungry to eat the food of engagement
          But her past has awarded her with disarrangement

Past of her dark shadow
  Path to which all love is so narrow
    Her tender beauty is colored by faded linage
      Linage to which she have no privilege
        To her past she wan to leave the rest
          Rest to which she can never forget

Past of her imminent shadow
  Disgrace as a permanent widow
    She have carelessly invested the seed of regret

      Careless seed, her award of her sweet neglect
        Her conscience is flooded with pain of rain
          Her mind is swallowed by rain with no gain

Past of her mad shadow
  Future of her sad tomorrow
    She’s wasting precious time protecting her pride
      But no man wants to make her his bride
        She’s very desperate to be called ‘honey’
          But her motive is to get the money

Past of her memorable shadow
  Thoughts to which all dreams are borrow
    Empty smiles are the hope of her life
      Life indeed, a tension to be called a wife
        She’s an example of emotional choice
          And a warning to all who dream is to rejoice

As an expert poet, I'm always obliged to wite freely against my will for those hungred minds whose actions and emotions have created attractive intentions. However, 'Past of Her Shadow,' is truly a master piece that is dedicated to the conscience of individuals’ errors, especially ladies.

Thanks for the time!

Best regards,

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