You have the secret to my heart
—Mastering my weakness to pompously slash me apart
You made me fall in love deeply
Sad pleasure of emotional ‘oamily
Your beauty brightens my mind with smiling confidence
—Knowing fully well it was a trap with dangerous appearance
Pungent pleasure and pitiable pain bleed wild hurt—
Hurt that rejects my happiness like passionate dirt
I’m manipulated —tricked and twice ill
Embrace by sweet threat of your will
Now, you have come to refresh my mind with remarkable memory
Memory of deep feelings recklessly crafted in your clitoris’s diary
If only I knew how to STOP! —Stop you from afar distance—
I could unconditionally prevent your pilot with smiling resistance
I feel suffered by your insolent presence
Your love smells with Companie’ essence
But can I keep your guilt from astonishing error?
Desired error —produced by your terrible terror
It is my shame to dream of loving you
I refuse to accept your kiss and to say, ‘I do’
I’m deeply flattered by your brilliant tears
Honest tears of disgusting wears
You made me believe in your mysterious touches
I was slowly swerving silently as a swages
My wits kept the beautiful image of your ancient love
Love of illegal affection —pictures of treasonable cove
But you might still be my sweet darling
Gorgeous taste of a special feeling
My heart longed to profit from your temporary pretence
Indeed pretence—danger but black temperance
I want to still see and hold you
I want to chanced the correction by you
Breakup —opportune disorder has cut our hearts so deep
But your new love is far from what I can keep
My heart is worried to see you go mad—
For you’ve snatch my value as a unpolluted lad
Again, you have found the weakness in me
Sweet bits of true love we can’t see
My SMS have kept you with restlessness
Your phone calls has brought me nervousness
But if we are meant to be
Let love pain our colors and we will see
Decisions of distance carelessness
—Her strength of my weakness
Thanks for Reading
Joeforlove, Expert Librian POET
Dedicated to the error of male's memory!