Love is sweet. Love is Unique and the feeling is special. But to experience such a natural bound between the people you love, you have to sacrifice, time, words, and money. Above all, you must prepare yourself satisfactorily to be the lover the lady or gentleman needs you to be.
However, as a young gentleman who respects ‘LOVE,’ I’ve spell out ‘TOP 101Tips Joeforlove require form a Real Lady!’ Remember, every lover is restricted to his/her opinion based upon their ‘Love background!’ I really feel that my real lady should:
1. Love herself first and love me with her whole heart
2. Allow me to do the touching most often.
3. Tell me stories. Something funny, scary, exciting or juicy
4. Tell me that I’m very sweet and Special
5. Give me space to have date with my girlfriends and go out with my boys all times. If she
6. Never take me for granted.
7. Think about me? ‘Have he eaten?’ OR ‘Will it make him happy?’
8. Be good to herself, then be good to me
9. No matter how long, she should never think she can read my mind. OH!
10. Experience new things together like eating street food and exploring to new places.
11. Do something that we used to do for each other before.
12. Respect me.
13. Mind her appearance! Stay Fit and healthy for each day.
14. Listen and listen. Hear me out especially during argument.
15. Speak up about the embarrassed or uncomfortable stuff now. Like money and sex. The
16. Show interest in my work.
17. Ask me how I feel.
18. Fix a love card together
19. Send me love cards.
20. Call me very often to ask me surprise question
21. Never leave my presence mad.
22. Never go to bed in anger.
23. Put me first in her prayers.
24. Kiss each other good night
25. Be my best friend preferably before becoming my girlfriend.
26. Tell me about her dreams.
27. Cook my special or favorite soup or dish. Like gari-yor-gor or beans.
28. Allow me to spend time alone.
29. Always look good, dress good, and smell good to maintain physically attraction.
30. Know that I’m the only person she got.
31. Have fun with Joe.
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‘TOP 101Tips Joeforlove require form a Real Lady!’
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